
ver. 1.0 

The following statement is provided in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act and related regulations to guarantee the safeguarding of user personal data, privacy, and related rights. Please review the contents of this statement attentively.

1.  This policy statement applies solely to the collection, usage, and protection of personal information by this system.

2、 個人資料之蒐集、處理與利用:

(1) 本系統不會在您瀏覽本網站時,暗中蒐集任何有關您個人的身份資料。

(2) 登入使用者,需輸入帳號與密碼。

(3) 當您申請本系統帳號,閱覽、抄錄或複製檔案,我們將得以取得識別您的個人資料,包含:姓名、性別、國籍、個人身分資料、聯絡地址、電子郵件。

(4) 我們將使用上述資料以確認您的身分或通知您相關服務與資訊,並得合於隱私權保護政策規範範圍內之使用。

(5) 本網站系統遵循個人資料保護法的規定,處理您的個人資料。並且有義務保護各使用者之個人隱私資料,非經您本人同意不會自行修改或刪除任何個人資料及檔案。除非經過您事先同意或符合以下情況始得為之:

i. 經由合法途徑。

ii. 保護或捍衛相關隱私權或相關個人權利。

iii. 違反本網站系統規定事項。

2.  The collection, processing, and use of user personal data:

(1)  We do not collect personally identifiable data when you browse the online catalogs on this system..

(2)  You will need to enter your user account login and password to gain complete access.

(3)  When you apply for a user account, browse, or make copies, we will collect your personal data, including your full name, gender, nationality, personal identification information, address, and email address.

(4)  We will use your personal data to verify your identity or to contact you for relevant services and information. Your personal data may also be used for other purposes within the scope of privacy rights protection regulations.

(5)  Our system is obligated to follow established privacy protection regulations when handling your personal data. We take responsibility for protecting user private data and will not amend or delete your personal data without your consent. However, your personal data may be deleted in the following circumstances:

i. through the legal procedure.

ii. for protecting or defending privacy rights and personal rights.

iii. in case of a violation of the system regulations.



(1) 終止任何瀏覽您個人資料的查詢或請求。

(2) 終止任何您個人資料複本重製的請求。

(3) 補充或更正個人資料。

(4) 終止蒐集、處理或利用個人資料。

(5) 刪除個人資料。


3.  Additionally, we will not disclose or use your personal data for any purposes other than those mentioned above without your consent or in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
According to the Personal Information Protection Act, you may contact us in a written form to claim your rights to:

(1)  Terminate any search or request for browsing your personal data.

(2)  Terminate any requests for reproducing copies of personal data.

(3)  Amend or correct your personal data.

(4)  Terminate collecting, processing, or using your personal data.

(5)  Delete your personal data.

Please note that making any of the above claims may result in your inability to browse or use this system in the future, and fees may be charged in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
If the personal data you provided to us is inaccurate, insufficient to verify your identity, illegally acquired, forged, or faked, we reserve the right to temporarily terminate your right to use this system.



4.  This system will not transfer personal data to third parties in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and related regulations. All personal data will be transferred securely through the TLS portal to ensure data privacy through encryption.


5.  Collection of personal data: Cookies are used for the webserver to differentiate user preferences by storing cookie data on the user's local hard drive. You can customize the cookies settings, including allowing cookies by default, receiving notifications of cookies, and blocking cookies. If you choose to block cookies, some services may not be available. This system will not use cookies to collect your personal data.



6.  The terms and conditions are subject to change for various reasons, such as changes in social conditions, legal regulations, services, and technology. Updated information will be announced periodically. Please check our website regularly to protect your rights.

Doc. No. 4-1-001